How Much Do Surrogates Get Paid
The matter of how much do surrogates get paid in Boston, Massachusetts is a thought that frequently passes through a surrogate’s mind. Actually becoming a surrogate mother has quite a number of benefits that a surrogate mother can enjoy and look forward to. Among them is the surrogate fee received after completing the end of the agreement with your intended parents.
Before we proceed with an answer to the question of how much do surrogates get paid, it is best to review the important qualifications. For starters, the age requirements must be met by any aspiring surrogate. The age bracket is between 21 to 38 years of age. This is the ideal age bracket since there would be fewer risks entailed during pregnancy. Another requirement to consider prior to becoming a surrogate is to have experienced at least one successful pregnancy, with no concerns associated. The fact that you have gone through at least one healthy pregnancy proves your ability to carry, support and deliver a child to term without any issues.
Another critical element when thinking about becoming a surrogate and how much do surrogates get paid would be your mindset. It is essential for you to not only meet the physical demands of this procedure, but to also be mentally and emotionally fit for you to perform the duties and obligations of a surrogate mother.
The matter of financial compensation is the next matter to think about once you are fully committed to becoming a surrogate mother. The compensation that a surrogate mother is expected to receive as payment is a strong factor which influences most women to embark on surrogate motherhood. This is of course partnered with the opportunity to make the dreams of intended parents come true. Although becoming a surrogate may not be the simplest decision to make, the end results and benefits are definitely worth it. Today, many surrogate mothers get up to $30000 to $50000 compensation for the full surrogacy period. This is on top of the other benefits such as allowances for travel, child care, clothing, and lost wages, to name a few. Take note that this amount will still differ depending on the surrogate experience, the state you live in, and the agency you collaborate with.